SONG PREMIERE: Duke Evers – “Dancer”

Seattle-based Duke Evers’ are making inroads in one of the country’s most esteemed music cities, and with their take it or leave it gusto and up-tempo melodic rock, we should be hearing more from them nationwide. The band just made waves at the  Capitol Hill Block Party and is slated to perform at the Seattle Hempfest this month. In less than two years, Duke Evers have taken leaps and bounds, performing at Tractor Tavern, The Crocodile, and at CMJ in NYC.

Listen to the premier of  “Dancer” below from their forthcoming EP Handful of Pennies.  Josh Starkel (guitar/vocals) describes the track: “It’s about a girl, of course, that Josh was seeing and didn’t feel like boundaries were necessary and would just barge into our place at random times expecting to catch him in some explicit situations with other girls. That’s kinda the irony of the chorus “hey hey hey, who could this be. Knock knock knocking for me” because she never knocked a single time before just bustin into the house..e actually recorded that song months before the others as a single to bring with us to New York for cmj. We weren’t planning on having anything out by then and when we got the news to play CMJ we brought that song to Joe Reneike and pumped it out”